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Easy Way Gives Back

Easy Way Gives Back
Easy Way Gives Back

Giving back to our community is one way that we at Easy Way Products uphold our company values of integrity, accountability and unity. In 2017, Easy Way associates gave their time, talent and money to several different charitable endeavors.

United Way—Cincinnati, OH

The Easy Way Cincinnati office made 40 no-sew fleece blankets for Santa Maria Community Services, an Agency Partner of United Way of Greater Cincinnati. These blankets were distributed to the children in the after-school program, as well as to new mothers and their babies. Santa Maria was founded by the Sisters of Charity to help Italian immigrants in Cincinnati with housing, education and employment. Today, they continue this work with children, new mothers and families throughout the west side of Cincinnati.

United Way Blankets

Casa Hogar Del Niño—Matamoros, MX

Associates from Easy Way’s Cincinnati, Brownsville and Matamoros locations gave to Casa Hogar del Niño, the local orphanage in Matamoros, Mexico. The Cincinnati office had a 2 week “Coin War” in which the office was split into 4 teams. A portion of the funds raised went to buy Christmas gifts for the children. The Brownsville office and Matamoros locations also donated gifts, and the Matamoros team wrapped all gifts and delivered them to the children. The Matamoros team also made piñatas, candy bags and cupcakes to share with the children during their visit, and some of the team sang Christmas carols with the children. Casa Hogar del Niño houses children ranging from newborns to 18-year-olds who are either orphaned or cannot live with their families. Their goal is to provide rehabilitation, security, and the skills to live a social, productive and happy life.

Casa Hogar

Nursing Home—Matamoros, MX

The Matamoros team regularly visits their local nursing home, spending time with the residents and making donations throughout the year. The Matamoros team donated and shared a meal with the residents, while the Cincinnati team donated blankets, socks and lotion. The nursing home is run through local community donations, and provides care for those who do not have the support of their families.

Nursing Home

Low-Income Family Holiday Party—Matamoros, MX

The Matamoros team attended a holiday party hosted by a local church to help low-income families through the holiday season. The team brought donations for the food pantry, and shared gifts for the children that were donated by the Cincinnati and Brownsville teams.

Holiday Party

Hospital Visits—Matamoros, MX

The Matamoros team spent an afternoon with children at two different local hospitals. They spent time playing with the children who were there to receive treatment. In addition, the team delivered toys to children waiting for treatment as well as to those with family members in the hospital for treatment.

Hospital Visits